1. Competitiveness



Our Technical Team is grouped with More than 10-Year Assembly Automation Industrial Competitivenss.jpg

Experience & Professional Development, Engineering & Manufacturing Know-How.  We 

accumulate our experience and our industrial knowledge from our activities even start

from our initial jobs such as intial assembling components and parts evaluation &

analysis, assembly technological process analysis, assembly automation risk evaluation 

and management, assembly automation feasibility verification, to every specific details

 in our automation design and engineering such as complianced and safe engineering,

 part sequencing & orientating  system, Pre-processing and forming System, semi-

 and design for single automatic assembly station, flexible and reliable parts feeding system finished product assembly, final production assembly, final product

 inspection and sorting system and final product unloading and packing system;

We introduced with modern manufacturing notion into all of our engineering and development. Partial conception from LEAN MANUFACTURING & FMEA Risk Control has been introduced into our 

daily work to ensure our automated assembly machine will be shipped to customer in time and with complied quality. 


Assembly Automation Project is comeplex and multiobjective from automation project planning, investment and budget, feasibility evaluation, technical design and engineering, technical proposal 

comparisorisk evaluation and management, project implementation, project verification and acceptance, installation and commissioning, aftersales support and service.

In the implementation of entire assembly automation project,  there is much more information flow between the automation solution vendor and customers, which the vendor and the customers must 

put effect to classify the information flow, and follow up the essential and important tasks as well as continuous task arrangement to ensure every process and detail in assembly automation project 

run as we expected and achieve the final sucessful assembly automation project. 

Thus,  a perfect project management system must be introduced into our daily work at the begining of assembly automation project. We use our own project managment system to ensure the less 

information  loss during communication between customers and suppliers, and to carry out all of our acitivities to track the assembly automation project on basis of fulll-comprehension to customer's 

information flow and finally to guarrantee assembly project will be turnkeyed in time  and on time. 


It is known to all that automation project is proceeded with risk more or less, thus, an good risk management must be introduced into all of our activities if an automation project must be implemented.

Initially, verification of essential details for assembly automation project must be acted to control and analyze automation prject.

We need to carry out an analysis for parts and components features, assembly process, quality demand, production rate demand for full-custom assembly automation.

Relying on FMEA method and principle, we work with customer to find out obvious risks and potential risk in an assembly automation project to analyze, evaluate, verify....

Moreover, the verification of the feasibility of assembly automation for some subassembly system plays an very important role in entire assembly automation project.

We find out these risks and verify a feasible method to solve these risk with novel methods so as to reduce the risk in automation project and ensure the final achievement at last.


Automation Design & Engineering Conception Is The Core Of Automation Implementation. One of The Excellent Automation Design & Engineering Conception Focus On Not Just Investment & Cost 

of Automation Project, But also Focus On Reduction of Automation Risk.

Automation Design & Engineering Conception Is Derived From The Experience We Have In The Past, And Other's Experience As Well As The Idea Bank In Our Brain As Well As The Content We Observe 

From Orindary Life.

We Need Use The Method Of Brain Storming To Come Up With Some Bold Design & Engineering Ideas,Then We Come Back To Reality To Verify Our Design & Engineering Conception By FMEA As Well 

As Rational Thinking.


Production Control Aim To Carry Out Rational Arrangement & Tracking For Every Single Process In Production Cycle.

We Shall Take Fundamental Principle & Method For Project Tracking As Execution Standard, Which Shall Start From Order Confirmation & Leading Time We made With Customers To Plan The 

Production Task.

We Will Work To Divide & Track Work Task As Per Working Day;

Automatic Machine Design & Drawing & Drawing Review Stage;

Machine Parts & Components Processing & Outsourcing Stage;

Machine Assembly, Commisionning & Testing Stage;

Pilot Production & Machine Improvement Stage;

Second Pilot Production & Machine Verification Stage;

Machine Final Inspection & Stability Verification Stage;

Final Acceptance Inspection & Shippment Stage;